TweakXP für Windows XP dürfte hinreichend bekannt sein. TweakVI ist das entsprechende Pendant für Windows Vista.
Totalidea Software hat nun eine neue Version von TweakVI veröffentlicht, namentlich TweakVI 1.0 Build 1060.
Folgende Änderungen werden genannt:
German language files added - TweakVI's user interface is now completely available in German
A few changes and improvements to the setup
Heaps of internal optimizations and improvements
Fixing an issue where a password protected TweakVI crashed after installing a new version. Now, once a new version is installed, or once TweakVI is re-installed, the current password is deleted. The password protection must be re-enabled if required.
Fixing a bug where TweakVI did not respond if there was no internet connection available when checking for a new version
Fixing a minor cosmetical issue in the 'File Tools' plugin
Fixing a few minor issues in the 'Desktop tweaks' plugin
Das Programm steht in einer kostenlosen Version zum Download (12 MB) bereit.
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