
NVIDIA dementiert AMDs Vorwürfe bezüglich PhysX

Freitag, 22. Jan. 2010 19:35 - [jp] - Quelle: NVIDIA Blog

AMD hatte PhysX kritisiert und zwar dahingehend, dass NVIDIA es absichtlich nicht für Mehrkern CPUs optimiert hätte.

Nun hat NVIDIA Stellung bezogen. Nadeem Mohammad, früher auch Mitarbeiter bei Ageia und daher quasi seit der ersten Stunde bei PhysX dabei, erklärt, dass AMD schlicht falsch liegt.

"[...]Our PhysX SDK API is designed such that thread control is done explicitly by the application developer, not by the SDK functions themselves. One of the best examples is 3DMarkVantage which can use 12 threads while running in software-only PhysX. This can easily be tested by anyone with a multi-core CPU system and a PhysX-capable GeForce GPU. This level of multi-core support and programming methodology has not changed since day one. And to anticipate another ridiculous claim, it would be nonsense to say we 'tuned' PhysX multi-core support for this case.

PhysX is a cross platform solution. Our SDKs and tools are available for the Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, the PC and even the iPhone through one of our partners. We continue to invest substantial resources into improving PhysX support on ALL platforms--not just for those supporting GPU acceleration.[...]"
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