
KDE 3.3 erscheint fast pünktlich...

Freitag, 20. Aug. 2004 07:56 - [fs] - Quelle:

Der Linux-Desktop KDE 3.3 ist ab sofort erhältlich. Wie gewohnt finden sich neben dem Source-Code auch Binaries für die wichtigsten Linux-Distributionen, womit die Installation deutlich einfacher wird. Die Entwickler haben in den letzten Monaten über 7000 Bugs entfernt.

Dazu kommen Verbesserungen in der Bedienung, Stabilität sowie Integration verschiedener Anwendungen. Kontact soll KDE zu einer ausgewachsenen Kommunikationszentrale werden lassen, in der alle Programme vom Mail- bis zum Instant-Message-Client alle Programme ineinander greifen. Weitere Informationen können Sie der offiziellen Pressemitteilung entnehmen, den Download finden Sie unter Pressemitteilung Announcing KDE 3.3 KDE Project Ships New Major Release Of Leading Open Source Desktop Environment August 19, 2004 (The Internet) - The KDE Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of KDE 3.3, the fourth major release of the award-winning KDE3 desktop platform. Over the past six months, hundreds of applications and desktop components have been enhanced by a community of developers, with a particular focus on integration of components.
Stephan Kulow, KDE Release Coordinator, said: "The desktop reached a quality hard to top in previous releases. Nevertheless, KDE 3.3 is a great improvement and will further strengthen KDE's position as the leading Free desktop environment." Building upon previous releases, version 3.3 provides an integrated desktop and a comprehensive set of applications that make KDE the most usable and feature-rich environment of its kind. Responding to the needs of their users, KDE developers have implemented an impressive range of new features, as well as several new applications that make your desktop even more productive and pleasing to use. Of note in this release are the many integration efforts, linking applications across the desktop together to save you unecessary time and effort. Stephan Kulow added that "improvements in terms of usability, stability and integration are particularly noticeable in the KDE PIM (Personal Information Management) suite." Reflecting its international team and focus, KDE 3.3 is currently available in over 50 different languages. Partial translations into 30 other languages are also available, many of which are expected to be completed during the KDE 3.3 life cycle. During the past six months, Qt gained increased support for Indic languages, and languages as diverse as Farsi and Frisian were added. With 89 different languages and full localization support, no other desktop is as ready to serve the needs of today's global community. KDE has earned a reputation for quality and a comprehensive feature set among its global user base that is estimated to number in the millions. KDE is also proud to be the default user interface for several operating systems including Ark Linux, Conectiva, Knoppix, Linspire, Lycoris, Mandrake Linux, SUSE Linux, TurboLinux and Xandros. KDE is also available as a part of Debian, Free/Open/NetBSD, Gentoo, Libranet, Fedora, Slackware and Solaris, among others. In addition to these operating system vendors, more and more companies are offering commercial support for KDE, some of which are listed in the business directory of the KDE::Enterprise website. With the release of KDE 3.3, the KDE Project looks to enhance and grow this ecosystem of users and supporters. Den weiteren Text finden Sie direkt bei
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